Faithward Capital is unique in its model, because we not only consider the financial side of investing, but the moral impacts as well. Finding companies that positively change the world around us is a high priority – one that we hope to share with you, as you seek to better assist your clients. Your clients may be approaching investment with an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality, but we want to help change their perspective. People make conscious decisions about where they work, where they spend money, and where they give money – we believe that they should be as actively and consciously aware of their investment choices. Though many people do not ponder the moral responsibility of investing, we believe it’s one of the most important considerations you or your clients will make.
Luke 16:10 reminds us to be faithful in both the big and small things, because, ultimately, the condition of our heart matters to God in both cases. Scripture states that where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. At Faithward Capital, we believe that it’s entirely possible that practice stewardship in God-honoring ways. We desire to promote biblically responsible investing (BRI) as a viable option for your clients. Clients may assume that by reducing their investment options, their returns will be impacted. Studies show that BRI screening tools still yield thousands of choices for clients with positive results. Our team not only considers these studies, but also financial news, earnings reports, commentaries, and companies’ moral insights, in order to support you and your clients’ pursuit of stewardship.
The Process
Our FEVRR process includes financial health, earnings trends, valuation, relative strength, and risk. These are all principles we apply to the investment universe in order to dive deeper into top investment choices and truly analyze them. We examine not only the current state of investments, health, technology, medicine, etc., but also the future state, in order to provide your clients with the best long-term guidance possible.
Ahead of the Trends
Faithward Capital seeks to stay ahead of the trends by picking leading providers and determining the true direction of the world – not just following fads. Every week, our team meets to discuss big-picture opportunities, examine research, and analyze 40-50 companies. Our quarterly investment committee meetings with big market and sector-related ideas help us contemplate goals and guidelines for the future. We know that investment trends can shift, so we conduct ongoing research into each sector to weigh risks and rewards for different opportunities. We offer three portfolios with asset allocation strategies, and your clients can get individual stock portfolios, if they prefer.
Our Niche
Our first step is to get to know you as an advisor and your practice. We will build a proposal for you, and we are well equipped to handle individual accounts with customized strategies for your top clients. We can also provide you with regular asset allocation strategies that can be utilized across held-away platforms. Faithward Capital is unique because we’re a biblically responsible turnkey solution for any client and we have the capability to produce good returns. Regardless of whether or not your clients share your faith, we know that good returns for them is high on your priority list. BRI is our niche and we are happy to partner with advisors looking to also embrace BRI. We can help get you started or take you to the next level.